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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Modesty~Part 1

Hey Guys!! You all know how everyone is concerned about what's "in" and what to wear. Well sometimes what's "in" is immodest. Well we don't like immodest clothing! So don't worry! So if what's "in" is immodest, don't wear it!! Wear something modest. Start wearing cute but modest, yes it is possible! What we do is when a shirt is a little too low cut, we wear a cute tank underneath! Believe me immodest is not attractive! Even if it's border line, wear leggings under it or a tank, Modesty is better than Borderline! Remember, you can still look stylish and cute while being modest. And I'm sure your parents, and family will appreciate it! Remember, our goal in life should not be about drawing attention to ourselves and our bodies, it should be about portraying Jesus. Look at yourself in the mirror every morning before you go somewhere. Think about what your wearing. Think, does this portray Jesus or me? Is this helping young men or is this defrauding? Check to make sure you are modest.  God wants you to live a wonderful life! Don't waste it on false attention.
     It says in the Bible, in 1 Timothy 2:9 » I want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety. Adorning themselves not with fancy hair styles and pearls and gold, and expensive clothes. «  Now it's not saying you can't do your hair fancy, wear jewelry or buy expensive clothes. It's saying we need to put modesty, and God before all of the hair, jewelry....


  1. That is so right. It could be a spaghetti strap dress. You could put a tank top that matches underneath. Or if the dress is a little too short for comfort, put leggings underneath and maybe wear a pair of flats or sandals with it. Trust me, when I know what's also in style, I usually help them with fashion.

  2. So glad you agree with us! I always say, if you want to be treated like a lady, you should dress like one.

  3. I am so glad my American Heritage Girls Troop coordinator set up a little dress up party about a year and a half ago doing modest and in-modest clothing and having to show grade school girls what was modest and in-modest last October. This is why I don't have any in-modest clothing articles in my closet.

  4. you're right immodesty is sooo not cool its also really inapropriate
