Harley was so right it is getting kinda chilly here , I don't know about you guys but we live in Texas so it is probably colder everywhere else . The style update for the season is :
The color - mustered yellow , teal , and brown
The style of cloths - skinny jeans !! long shirts with mid arm sleeves that are not too tight but tight enughf to scrungch.
Shoes- boots have always been in style ! i love boot because whatever you personality is , boots can describe you ! like Harley , well i can see her rocking those cowgirl boots with a pair of skinny jeans. Maddie i can see her rocking leather boots with a pair of skinny jeans! ( and yes i know we are skinny jean freaks ) I could see them rocking any kind of boots , but based on there personality i know , this is what they would ware !!